Griffin Theatre Teacher Employment Application

All Head Teachers must be 18+.  All Assistant Teacher and Substitutes must be 16+.

All teachers are responsible for creating their class schedules and finding age appropriate materials.

You must arrive at least 15 minutes early to be set up and prepared.

  • Voice teachers are responsible for teaching students how to use their voices effectively in a one on one setting.

    Voice teachers must be able to clearly communicate their instructions to their students. This requires strong interpersonal skills as well as an ability to effectively convey information through speech.

    Range of responsibilities:

    Preparing curriculum according to each student’s needs and interests
    Providing vocal training to students who are learning to sing or preparing for auditions or performances
    Observing students’ progress and providing feedback to help them improve their technique
    Recording students’ progress in their lesson plans so they can refer back to their previous work
    Helping students develop good vocal habits such as posture, breathing, diction, articulation, resonance, tone production, and stress placement
    Preparing students for performances as well as work towards helping them achieve their individual goals.

    A degree in Music—specifically Vocal Performance and Technique is preferred.

    Teacher will be responsible for learning and using the current administrative software.

    Teacher will be responsible for the basic cleanliness and upkeep of the areas they use while teaching.

    In conjunction with the admin, the teacher will be responsible for scheduling and honoring makeups as needed.

  • Ages 18+

  • Ages 18+

  • Ages 18+

  • Ages 18+

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